Fix broken links moodle
Fix broken links moodle

fix broken links moodle

  • Add a sub-heading in the Module Information tab to include an indicator of effort (such as timings or page counts) for all compulsory tasks.
  • Add a sub-heading in the Module Information tab to explicitly sig npost all online and offline activities and how they interrelate.Add a sub-heading in the Module Information tab to highlight which activities are compulsory and optional.However, repeating this information in a forum post (using copy and paste) is a good idea. Tip: Avoid adding this through a forum post as these posts will need to be re-created from one year to the next. Module Information tab or a page could be a good way of addressing this.Īdd a section called 'Module Information' to the Module Information tab or page, as given in the examples. Include these directly in Moodle, or via a link to the module handbook or departmental website.M34 - Activity completion#Activitycompletion-HowdoIsetitup?Ģ.1 Include the Module Syllabus and Intended Learning Outcomes Add conditional release by date for hiding individual topics.If you are creating a new Moodle course from scratch, using a template means it will be easier to meet the Baseline (and Baseline+) criteria.ġ.5 Guide students as to which task to complete next.Include navigation aids - including Latest Announcements, Library Resources and Library Search blocks.ġ.4 Use a Faculty or Departmental template.E nsure the navigation block is set to Generate navigation for the following: Everything.If you have long text descriptions and pictures, consider moving these to new separate Pages , Books , Folders and Lessons.Create groups and groupings where needed.Create headings for separating lecture and seminar material.Add quick summary as a description of the topics as labels.Label all the tabs and topics you are going to use, including weekly topics.

    fix broken links moodle

    1.1 Present activities and resources in a meaningful, clearly structured and sequenced way

    Fix broken links moodle